Any advanced computer user should know the system he is working in. This knowledge can help one improve his own productivity and avoid possible errors. There is a special type of software that provides the user with all the information about the computer he uses, like the size of RAM, the amount of available space on hard drives and much more. CPUSpeed by NetworkDLS is an application that belongs to this type of software. This program detects the speed of your CPU and provides you a report about it.
The utility has a very primitive interface. It consists of just one small window with the name of the processor, its nominal and actual values of CPU speed. Actual indicators show current, lowest and highest speed values.
However, it’s very hard to say that CPUSpeed is an ideal example of diagnostics software. It seriously lacks in functionality, since the information provided by this application can be easily obtained using the standard Windows tools. Still, as the application is free, you can give it a try.